GArna: Predicting 2D structure of RNA by genetic algorithm
ReClus - description of new program for prediction of regulatory region clusters in large DNA sequences
Protein domain recogintion by properties
RGSiteScan program: This program is designed to predict the potential binding sites of 37 transcription factors in the target DNA sequence.
RecGroup program:This program is aimed on construction of Recognition groups which are used further by the <RGSiteScan> for final result, that is a revealing of potential binding sites in a DNA sequence. So, this is the first program in a two-stage process of transcription factor binding sites revealing.
POLIIISCAN - POL III PROMOTER RECOGNITION: brief description of the computer program POLIIISCAN.
Predicting activities of functional sites in DNA/RNA
(CRASP) - Correlation Analysis of Sequences of Proteins
CRAFT) - DNA Bending Stiffness Features
Life is just a game...
VMM : Variable memory Markov model for nucleosome formation site prediction
SiteGA Site Recognition by Genetic Algorithm
ProGA - Eukaryotic Promoters Recognition by Genetic Algorithm
Phase - index for phased dinucleotide probabilities
Recognition of transcription factor binding sites by trinucleotide weight matrix
Complexity decomposition of genetic texts by modified Lempel-Ziv method
LowComplexity: Sequence analysis software
Leader mRNA - Predicting expression level of an eukaryotic gene for following taxons
ddG-Matrix: Regulatory Protein binds DNA with single nucleotide substitutions
Promoter classification
BinomSite – transcription factor binding sites recognition program
Analysis of mRNA secondary structure at the translation start site region: Prediction of compensatory downstream hairpin increasing translation from AUG codon in suboptimal context
Blast search ASPD database
Transgene - Programs for prediction of mRNA translational activity
GibbsSampler - program for local multiple alignment for nucleotide sequences
bDNA - bDNA Profiles
Cons - Precise Recognition by Consensus
Freq - Precise Recognition by frequency matrix
GC_Net - Complexity Profile Builder
Nc_Pro - Nucleotide Profile Builder
Prof_Pat is a collection of patterns constructed for protein families
EAGLE (Expanded Alignment at Genome LEvel) - under construction
kpoxa - demo version of MOLKERN package
© 1997-02, IC&G SB RAS, Laboratory of Theoretical Genetics