A single TF may be predicted to bind. In our example, the site GATA was predicted to be a TF-site candidate responsible for Bernard-Soulier syndrome.

In the case that several TFs are predicted, the relevant matches and closeness of fit to the data are evident in the statistical analysis windows. Euclidean distance is calculated by comparison of the predicted alteration with the experimental data, and corresponding t-test values are shown for each TF. If no TF is predicted, the significance value (p=0,01, default) can be changed to p = 0.025, 0.05, or 0.1. The accuracy value can be modified by user in case too many TF sites were predicted. To assist the inexperienced user, sample reports are available to show how the rSNP_Tools have been used successfully. The database rSNP_Report accumulates the reports of the rSNP_Tools practical usage.