
rSNP_DB Help


rSNP_DB database compiles the data, which characterize the influence of single nucleotide mutations in regulatory gene regions onto their interaction with nuclear proteins.

The references to the original publications describing the influence of single nucleotide mutations in regulatory gene regions onto their interaction with nuclear proteins are accumulated in the rSNP_BIB database.

Details of experimental design are accumulated in the SYSTEM database.

The data from the rSNP_DB database could be used by rSNP_Tools to predict the regulatory site-candidates damaged/appeared due to mutations. How to use the rSNP_Tools?

The report sub-database, rSNP_Report, is of the hypertext type and it presents the protocols of the rSNP_Tools predictions confirmed experimentally.


Format description

Entry ID

Entry Name



Phenotype associated with mutation


Gene Name

Regulatory Region

Location of the Site Investigated


Magnitude Name

Magnitude Unit

Sequence Name


Magnitude Value

Resulting Data (revealed experimentally or predicted)