N.A. Kolchanov, E.A. Anan'ko, F.A. Kolpakov, O.A. Podkolodnaya, E.V. Ignat'eva, T.N. Goryachkovskaya, and I.L. Stepanenko
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia; E-mail: kol@bionet.nsc.ru
Molecular Biology (Msk.), 2000. V. 34. No. 4. P. 449-460.
Gene network is a group of genes functioning in a coordinated manner to control vital processes in an organism. Each gene network includes several essential components:
To accumulate the information on gene networks, a database GeneNet has been developed. At present, GeneNet contains the data on 16 gene networks which are arranged in six sections according to the subject concerned: lipid metabolism, steroidogenesis, erythropoiesis, antiviral response, plant seed development, and heat shock. Analysis of the data accumulated in GeneNet revealed the following principles of the gene network organization:
Key words: genes, expression regulation, gene networks, databases, signal transduction pathways