Loose connective (areolar) tissue

Origin: mesenchyme

Location: filling between apposed body parts, beneath the epithelia, external wrapping for vessels, nerves, muscles and fasciae.

ground substance

Function: permission of diffusion of oxygen and nutrients between the microvasculature and adjacent tissue.

Location: between cells  and fibers.

Composition: tissue (extracellular) fluid, amorphous component: proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, heparan sulfate, heparin, keratan sulfate).

connective tissue fibers

Location: extracellular, in the ground substance 

Function: flexible, high tensile strength.

Composition: type I collagen

Function: supporting framework for cells.

Composition: type III collagen.

Location: stroma in hemopoietic   and lymphatic  (but not the thymus) organs, basement membranes.

Function: limitation of distensibility, prevention of tearing from excessive stretching.

Composition: elastin, fibrillin.

Connective tissue cells

Query  to the GeneNet database:
genes expressing in CONNECTIVE TISSUE CELLS
Select species: AllHumanMurine
Select GeneNet SRS table: GeneProtein

Query  to the TRRD database:
genes expressing in CONNECTIVE TISSUE CELLS
Select species:   All       Human     Murine   

Fixed cell population

Function: synthesis of collagen, elastic and reticular fibers, and complex carbohydrates of the ground substance.

Function: phagocytosis (defence activity and cleanup operation), immune reactions by presenting lymphocytes with antigens.

Function: synthesis and release of histamine, slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis, eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis, heparin, immune and inflammatory reactions.

Function: accumulation of neutral fat

Function: undifferentiated cells, source of fibroblasts   and blood vessels  in repair (wounds healing).

Location: around capillaries and venules.

Function: antibody-producing cells derived from B lymphocytes

Transient cell population

Basement membrane (basal lamina)

Function: structural attachment, filtration, compartmentalization (separation and isolation of the connective tissue from epithelia, nerve, muscle tissue), barrier.

Composition: type IV collagen, proteoglycans, laminin, reticular fibers.