Fedor A. Kolpakov
Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications
Date of Birth: February 13, 1973
Marital status: Married with Svetlana L. Kivileva
Work Address: Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Prospect Lavrenyieva 10, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Tel.: (3832) 35-12-63 (off)
Fax: (3832) 35-65-58
E-Mail: fedor@bionet.nsc.ru
Work Experience and Current Position:
1995 - 1998 - Post-graduate course in Laboratory of Theoretical
Molecular Genetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russia. Supervisor prof. N.A. Kolchanov
1998 - Present - Research Scientist, Laboratory of Theoretical
Genetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, 630090.
Area of expertise:
Object oriented programming and design (C++, Java)
Databases on molecular biology
Gene networks
Gene expression regulation
Functional sites analysis
Nucleotide sequences alignment
Education Background:
1980 - 1988 - secondary school.
1988 - 1990 - special physical-mathematical school
1990 - 1995 - Novosibirsk State University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty
molecular biology.
1995 - 1998 - Post-graduate course in Laboratory of Theoretical Molecular Genetics,
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Russia. Supervisor prof. N.A.
The main author of the WWW resources:
GeneNet - Java system for automated gene network visualization (GeneNet Viewer)
TRRD Viewer - Java system for automated visualization regulatory maps of genes from
TRRD database. (TRRD Viewer)
MGL - Molecular Genetics object-oriented Library & Language (MGL Language)
Conferences and Workshops:
1998 - the 1st International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome
Regulation and Structure, (BGRS'98), Novosibirsk, Russia; report, posters and
1998 - Dagstuhl seminar “Bioinformatics” Modelling and simulation of gene
regulation and metabolic pathways, Germany; report and demonstration.
1998 - the 6th Intern. Conference of Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology, (ISMB'98), Montreal, Quebec, Canada; co-author of report.
1998 - Theoretical Biophysics International School, Moscow; co-author of
1998 - the 3rd Siberian Congress on Applied and Industrial Mathemetics,
Novosibirsk, Russia; co-author of reports.
1996 - Computer Science and Biology. German Conference on Bioinformatics, (GSB’96),
Liebigstr, Germany; co-author of report.
1996 - the 2nd Siberian Congress on Applied and Industrial Mathemetics,
Novosibirsk, Russia, report.
1996 - the 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for
Molecular Biology,
(ISMB’96)”, Washington University, St. Louis, USA, co-author of report.
1995 - the 3rd Intern. Conference of Intelligent Systems for Molecular
Biology, (ISMB'95) California, US, 1995; co-author of report.
- Kolpakov F.A., Ananko E.A., Kolesov G.B. and Kolchanov N.A. GeneNet: a
database for gene networks and its automated visualization // Bioinformatics, 1998,
Vol.14. No. 6, p.
- Kolpakov F.A., Babenko V.N. MGL - object-oriented computer
system for molecular genetics data management, analysis and visualization // Proc.
I Intern. Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure,
Novosibirsk, Russia, 1998, p. 434-437.
- Kolpakov F.A, Frolov A.S., Ponomarenko M.P., Podkolodny N.L. MGL-PROT: the onthology-based query
language for the user search for the 3D structures and functions of proteins in the
WWW-available databases. // Ibid, p. 269-271.
- Ananko E.A., Kolpakov F.A., Kolesov G.B. and Kolchanov N.A. Gene networks: a database and its
automated visualization through the internet in the GeneNet computing system // Ibid,
p. 82-85.
- Seledtsov I.A., Kolpakov F.A. Rapid estimates of statistical
significance of the pairwise nucleotide sequence alignment. // Ibid, 1998,
p. 301-304.
- Kolesov G.B., Kolpakov F.A., Kolchanov N.A. New method for the study of the
modular structure of transcription regulatory regions. // Ibid, p. 430-433.
- Kochetov A.V., Pilugin M.V., Kolpakov F.A., Babenko V.N., Kvasnina E.V., Shumny
V.K. Structural and compositional
features of 5’ untranslated regions of higher plant mRNAs // Ibid, p. 210-213.
- Kolchanov N.A., Igntieva E.V., Kel-Margoulis O.V., Kel A.E., Ananko E.A., Podkolodnaya
O.A., Stepanenko I.L., Merkulova T.I., Goryachkovskaya T.N., Kolpakov F.A.,
Podkolodny N.L., Lavryushev S.V., Grigorovich D.A., Frolov A.S., Romaschenko A.G. Transcription regulatory regions
database (TRRD): new possibilities provided by release 4.0. // Ibid, p. 25-28.
- Kolchanov N.A., Ponomarenko M.P., Kel A.E., Kondrakhin Yu.V., Frolov A.S., Kolpakov
F.A.,Kel A.E., Kel-Margoulis O,V., Ananko E.A., Ignatieva E.V., Podkolodnaya
O.A., Stepanenko I.L., Merkulova T.I., Babenko V.N., Vorobiev D.G., Lavryushev
S.V., Grigorovich D.A., Ponomarenko J.V., Kochetov A.V., Kolesov G.B., Podkolodny
N.L., Wingender E., Heinemeyer T., Milanesi L., Solovyev V.V., Overton G.C. GENEEXPRESS SYSTEM: description,
analysis and recognition of regulatory sequences in eukaryotic genomes. // Ibid, p.
- Kolchanov N.A., Ponomarenko M.P., Kel A.E., Kondrakhin Yu.V., Frolov A.S., Kolpakov
F.A., Goryachkovsky T.N., Kel O.V., Ananko E.A., Ignatieva E.V., Podkolodnaya O.A.,
Babenko V.N., Stepanenko I.L., Romashchenko A.G., Merkulova T.I., Vorobiev D.G.,
Lavryushev S.V., Ponomarenko Yu.V., Kochetov A.V., Kolesov G.B., Solovyev V.V., Milanesi
L., Podkolodny N.L., Wingender E., Heinemeyer T. GENEEXPRESS: a computer system for
description, analysis, and recognition of regulatory sequences in eukaryotic genome. //
Proc. VI Intern. Conference of Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, 1998, pp. 95-104.
- Kolpakov F.A., Ananko E.A., Kolesov G.B. and Kolchanov N.A. GeneNet: a database
for gene networks and its automated visualization through the Internet. // Dagstuhl
seminar “Bioinformatics” Modelling and simulation of gene regulation and metabolic
pathways, 1998.
- Ananko E.A., Kel A.E., Kel O.V., Ignatieva E.V., Podkolodnaya O.A., Merkulova T.I.,
Merkulova I.L., Stepanenko I.L., Busigina T.V., Kozlova O.N., Kochetov A.V., Kolpakov
F.A., Kolesov G.B., Lavryushev S.V., Grigorovich D.A., Podkolodny N.L., Frolov A.S.,
Romashchenko A.G., Kolchanov N.A. Transcription regulatory regions database (TRRD) as a
global information system on transcription regulation of eukaryotic genes// Abstracts
of Theoretical Biophysics International School, Moscow, 1998, p. 25.
- Ananko E.A., Kolpakov F.A., Kolesov G.B. and Kolchanov N.A. Automatic generation
of gene networks schemes from formalized description in the GeneNet database// Ibid, p.
- Ignatieva E.V., Ananko E.A., Kel O.V., Podkolodnaya O.A., Merkulova T.I., Stepanenko
I.L., Busigina T.V., Kozlova O.N., Kolpakov F.A., Lavryushev S.V., Grigorovich
D.A., Podkolodny N.L., Frolov A.S., Kel A.E., Kolchanov N.A. LM-TRRD: the first step
toward understanding complex genetic word of lipid metabolism // Ibid, p. 52.
- Kolchanov N.A., Ponomarenko M.P., Kel A.E., Kondrakhin Yu.V., Frolov A.S., Kolpakov
F.A., Goryachkovskaya T.N., Kel O.V., Ananko E.A., Ignatieva E.V., Podkolodnaya O.A.,
Stepanenko I.L., Merkulova T.I., Babenko V.N., Vorobiev D.G., Lavryushev S.V., Ponomarenko
J.V., Kochetov A.V., Kolesov G.B., Podkolodny N.L., Milanesi L., Wingender E., Heinemeyer
T., Solovyev V.V. GeneExpress: a WWW-oriented integrator for the databases and computer
systems for studying the eukaryotic gene expression // Ibid, p. 57.
- Kolpakov F.A. Computer system MGL: a tool for sample generation, visualization,
and analysis of regulatory genomic sequences // Ibid, p. 58.
- Kolpakov F.A. Convergence in the evolution of promoters in higher eukaryotic
genes transcribed by RNA-polymerase II // Ibid, p. 59.
- Kolpakov F.A., Kolchanov N.A. Study of peculiarities of vertebrate promoter
region evolution // Ibid, p. 60.
- Heinemeyer T., Wingender E., Reuter H., Herjacob H., Kel A.E., Kel O.V., Ignatieva E.V.,
Ananko E.A., Podcolodnaya O.A., Kolpakov F.A., Podcolodny N.L., Kolchanov N.A.
Databases on transcription regulation: TRANSFAC, TRRD and COMPEL. // Nucl. Acids Res.,
1998, Vol.26, No. 1, pp. 362-367.
- Kolchanov N.A., Ponamorenko M.P., Kel A.E., Ponomarenko J.V., Kolpakov F. A., Frolov
A.S., Soloviev V.V., Romashchenko A.G., Ananko E.A., Ignatieva E.V., Podkolodnaya O.A.,
Stepanenko I.L., Kel O.V., Merkulova T.I., Goryachkovskaya T.N., Kochetov A.V., Podkolodny
N.L., Kolesov G.B., Lavryushev S.V., Kisselev L.L., GeneExpress:
an intellectual system for analysis of genomic regulatory sequences of humans and higher
eukaryotes, Abstract for HUGO'98.
- Kolpakov F.A., Babenko V.N. Computer system MGL – tool for sample generation,
visualization and analysis of regulatory genomic sequences. // Mol. Biol., 1997,
Vol.31. pp. 647-655. (Russ.)
- Kolpakov F.A., Kel A.E., Ponomarenko M.P., Kolchanov N.A. High heterogeneity of the promoters in higher
eukaryotic genes transcribed by RNA-polymerase II. // Proc. of. Academy of Sciences,
1997, Vol. 357, No. 5, pp. 693-695. (Russ.)
- Kel' A.E., Kolchanov N.A., Kel' O.V., Romashchenko A.G., Anan'ko E.A., Ignat'eva E.V.,
Merkulova T.I., Podkolodnaia O.A., Stepanenko I.L., Kochetov A.V., Kolpakov F.A.,
Podkolodnyi N.L., Naumochkin A.A. TRRD: a database of transcription regulatory regions in
eukaryotic genes. // Mol. Biol., 1997, Vol. 31, pp.626-636 (Russ.)
- Kolpakov F., Kel A., Kolchanov N. Convergenece in the evolution of promoters in
higher eukaryotic genes transcribed by RNA-polymerase II. // 9th
International Congress on Genes, Gene Families and Isozymes San Antonio, Texas April
14-19, 1997.
- Kolpakov F., Kolchanov N. Study of peculiarities of vertebrate
promoter region evolution. // 2nd Siberian Congress on Applied and
Industrial Mathemetics, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1996, p. 27.
- Kel A.E., Kolchanov N.A., Kel O.V., Kondrakhin Y.V., Kolpakov F.A.,
Lavrushov S., Ponomarenko M.P., Wingender E. Regulatory
genomic sequences, databases and tools for analysis and recognition. // Abstr. of
Intern. Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Genome Research, Deutsches
Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany, 1996, pp. 69-70.
- Ponomarenko M.P., Savinkova L.K., Kel A.E., Kel O.V., Kolchanova A.N., Kondrakhin Y.V., Kolpakov
F.A., Romaschenko A.G., Kolchanov N.A. The structure of eukariotic promoters and
computer methods of its recognition. // Proc. Of Inter. Conference "Modelling and
simulation of gene and cell regulation", Dagstuhl, Germany, 1996, p.12.
- Kondrakhin Yu.V., Kolpakov F.A., Kel A.E., Milanezi L., Kolchanov N.A. Computer analysis and recognition of the transcription
regulatory elements in eukaryotic genomes // Computer Science and Biology. Proc. of
German Conference on Bioinformatics, GSB’96 (Eds: Hofestadt et al), Liebigstr,
Germany, 1996.
- Kel A., Kondrakhin Y., Kolpakov F., Wingender E., Kolchanov N. Computer analysis of the structure of transcroption
factor binding sites // SAMS, 1995, Vol. 18-19, pp. 819-822.
- Kel A.E., Kondrakhin Y.V., Kolpakov Ph.A., Kel O.V., Romaschenko A.G., Wingender
E., Kolchanov N.A. Computer toll FUNSITE for
analysis of eukaryotic regulatory genomic sequences // Proc. III Intern. Conference
of Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, California, US, 1995, pp.
Last update: 9 September 1998.