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Oleg V. Vishnevsky, Ms.D.

Curriculum Vitae and List of Publications

Work Experience and Current Position:

Probationer-researcher, in the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Department of Biology, 1993-1995.

1995 - present Post graduate student Laboratory of Theoretical Molecular Genetics, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia. Supervisor prof. N.A. Kolchanov

Area of Scientific interest:

Short oligonucleotides, regulation of transcription and translation, functional sites analysis, MARs/SARs, identification and classification of nucleotide sequences with using of short oligonucleotide vocabularies.

Education Background:

Full secondary school, 1978-1988

Novosibirsk State University (Faculty of Natural Sciences), 1988-1993.

Probationer-researcher, in the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Department of Biology, 1993-1995.

Post-graduate course in the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Department of Biology, 1995 - present.

Awards and Grants:

Conferences and Workshops:

1.Kolchanov N.A., Vishnevsky O.V., Babenko V.N., Kel A.E., Oligonucleotide Sets. Computer Tool and Application. Proceedings Third International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology. 1995. AAAI Press. Menlo Park.California

2.Babenko V.N., Vishnevsky O.V., Kolchanov N.A., Kel A.E.. Computer system of mapping the unknown DNA sequences on the base of oligonucleotude hybridization.. the 2nd Siberian Congress on Applicational and Industrial Mathemetics, INPRIM-96, Novosibirsk, Russia, (INPRIM - 96).

3.Vishnevsky O.V., Babenko V.N. Evolutinary parameters of isofunctional gene families important to assess the number of invariant oligonulceotides in a family. the 2nd Siberian Congress on Applicational and Industrial Mathemetics, INPRIM-96, Novosibirsk, Russia, (INPRIM - 96).

4.A.E.Kel, O.V.Kel, O.V.Vishnevsky, M.P.Ponomarenko I.V.Ischenko, H.Karas, N.A.Kolchanov, H. Sklenar, E.Wingender. TRRD and COMPEL databases on transcription linked to TRANSFAC as tools for analysis and recognition of regulatory sequences. Special issue for Lecture Notes of Computer Science, Leipzig, September/October 1996 Selected Papers (Ralf Hofestaedt, Thomas Lengauer,Markus Loeffler, Dietmar Schomburg eds.) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. pp.99-105.

5.Ignatieva E.V., Vishnevsky O.V., Kel A.E. Oligonucleotide composition of promoters for the apolipoprotein multigene family. 9th International Congress on Genes, Gene Families and Isozymes San Antonio, Texas April 14-19, 1997.

6.Vishnevsky O.V., Kolchanov N.A., Babenko V.N., Kel A.E. In silico selection of oligonucleotides for identification by hybridisation of genomic DNA gene-bearing fragments. 9th International Congress on Genes, Gene Families and Isozymes San Antonio, Texas April 14-19, 1997.



1 Kolchanov N.A., Babenko V.N., Vishnevsky O.V., Kel A.E. Oligonucleotide vocabularies of isofunctional protein-encoding gene families. Proc. of. Academy of Sciences. 1996, o.348, N5, n. 696-699. (Russ)

2. Ignatieva L.V., Merkulova T.I., Vishnevsky O.V., Kel A.E. “Transkriptional regulation of genes of lipid metabolism”. Molecular biology, ?4, 1997