SELEX_DB: Synthetic oligoDNA's binding the OCT-2B protein (core:ATGnAAAT)

Input DNA Sequence :
from Screen:

from DB: Bases Available:
from File:
File formats here.

Select one of 18 OCT-2B related DNA site recognition model listed below (core:ATGnAAAT):

(A) Sixteen OCT-2B binding site recognitions optimized over the OCT-2B SELEXed data (core:ATGnAAAT):

OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Frequency matrix for Homology Score
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Frequency matrix for Information content
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Frequency matrix for Matrix similarity
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Frequency matrix for Sensibility score
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Frequency matrix for Fisher's Linear Discriminant
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Frequency matrix for Free energy change
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Frequency matrix for Chance amount
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Consensus with Homology Score
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Consensus with Information content
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Consensus with Matrix similarity
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Consensus with Sensibility score
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Consensus with Fisher's Linear Discriminant
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Consensus with Free energy change
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Consensus with Chance amount
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Mean Recognition Score
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Mean Recognition Score with Diffution Additive

(B) Two additional TF-site recognition procedutes adapted to the others OCT-related Natural and SELEXed data:

OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): Natural sites OCT
OCT-2B (ATGnAAAT): OligoDNA's SELEXed by OCT-2B protein (core:TAATnnnS)

The Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Russia)

This resource has been developed in collaboration between
The Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Novosibirsk, Russia) and The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, RIKEN (Thukuba, Japan)
that was supported by RFBR grant #98-07-90126 (Russia) and STA Fellow #499042 (Japan)

Author: Julia Ponomarenko, Galine Orlova, Sergey Lavrushev, Svetlana Zybova,
Misha Ponomarenko, Anatoly Frolov,

Supervisors: Nikolay Kolchanov, Prof. and Akinori Sarai, Prof.