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General information

B-DNA publications
B-DNA workgroup
B-DNA introduction

User's guide

Format description:
The conformational and physico-chemical DNA properties.
How to use the Recognition Tools?
Significant conformational and physico-chemical features
Mean Recognition

B-DNA-VIDEO. This database is designed to study the sets of various transcription factor binding sites, providing evidence that transcription factor binding sites are characterized by specific sets of significant conformational and physicochemical DNA properties. For a fixed site, by using the B-DNA features selected for this site recognition, the C-program recognizing this site may be generated, control tested and stored in the database B-DNA-VIDEO. Each B-DNA-VIDEO entry links to the Web-applet recognizing the site, whose significant B-DNA features are stored in this entry as the 'site recognition programs'. The pairwise linked entry-applet pairs are compiled within the B-DNA-VIDEO system, which is simultaneously the database and the program tools package applicable immediately for recognizing the sites stored in the database. Indeed, this is the novelty.

Recognition: bDNA Profiles DNA Property Plot

 B-DNA publications
B-DNA workgroup
B-DNA introduction

Format description:
The conformational and physico-chemical DNA properties.
How to use the Recognition Tools?
Significant conformational and physico-chemical features
Mean Recognition


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