Function: surrounds each tooth {Di/teeth.html} like a collar and saves as a strong roof of the mouth.
Composition: stratified squamous nonkeratinizing or parakeratinizing epithelium lacks a stratum lucidum and lamina propria (loose connective tissue) with abundant mast cells.
Composition: mature bone with periosteum which is blended with reticular layer of the lamina propria.
Function: are movable so in the act of swallowing they prevent food from being forced up into the nose.
Composition: stratified squamous nonkeratinizing and pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium and lamina propria (loose connective tissue) with few glands.
Composition: striated skeletal muscle and aponeurosis.
Composition: stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium and thick lamina propria (loose connective tissue) with many salivary glands.
Function: guard for infective agents.