Query  to the TRRD database:
genes expressing in BRONCHI
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All       Human     Murine   

Anantomic features


The height of the epithelial cells, and the thickness of basal lamina and lamina propria decrease as bronchi become reduced in diameter.



Function: provide a coordinated sweeping motion of the mucus coat -"ciliary escalator" - that serves as an important protective mechanism for removing small inhaled particles

Function: unicellular mucin-secreting glands

Function: receptor cells of general sensation

Function: release polypeptide hormones and/or catecholamines that are thought to function in reflexes regulating the airway or vascular caliber

Function: serve as a reserve population by maintaining individual cell replacement in the epithelium

Function: conditioning (warming, moistening and removal of particulate materials) of the air, prevention the epithelium from dehydration by moving air

Composition: loose connective tissue containing numerous lymphocytes, lymphatic tissue in diffuse and nodular forms


Function: maintenance of the appropriate diameter of the airway

Composition: continuous layer of smooth muscle in the larger bronchi. It is more attenuated in the smaller bronchi


Composition: loose connective tissue . Mucus-secreting glands and adipose tissue are present in the larger bronchi


Composition: discontinuous hyaline cartilages plates that become reduced in size as the bronchial diameter diminishes


Function: binds the bronchi to adjacent structures such as pulmonary artery and lung parenchyma

Composition: moderately dense connective tissue