Main goal
As the integral
protein characteristics, the summarised charge Q+ of a group of residues in the region of
interaction of alpha-helices H1 and H2 of homeodomain (in terms of isoelectric point
value) is considered. The
package CRASP estimates:
- the impact of co-ordinated
substitutions into the constancy of Q+ value
- the relationships between charges of residues at different helices, that is,
between QH1 (summarised charges at positions L13, R15, R18, E19,N23) and QH2 (summarised
charges at positions R30, Q33, S36, E37).
- constancy of the difference between QH1 and QH2 (Q-=QH1 - QH2)
Q+ - summarised charges at positions L13, R15, R18, E19,N23, R30, Q33, S36, E37
QH1 - summarised charges at positions L13, R15, R18, E19,N23
QH2 - summarised charges at positions R30, Q33, S36, E37
Q-=QH1-QH2. |
Preliminary step
Open new browser window integral
characteristics analysis CRASP page. This will be the CRASP package
working window. Use it in parallel with this tutorial window. Open new browser window Result example page to retreive the data from test
analysis. The description of analysis, methods and algorithms could be obtained here. |
Step 1. Input the sequence data
Enter the sequence alignment data in FASTA format into the 'Sequence
data' field or download the sequence data from file by using dialog window 'Load from file'.
Click the button 'ON' and input the file name into the text field. |
actions with the working window:
- Load the page with the homeodomain sequence alignment in result example window. Mark all
the sequence data and copy it in clipboard.
- Return to your working window. Set 'Load from screen' button ON and paste the sequence
data into the text-box below.
Step 2. Input calculation parameters
Select calculation parameters in drop-down menus and editable
text fields: |
Select physico-chemical residue's characteristics from the 'AminoAcid
quantity' menu, which contains 36 properties.
Important note: this option is valid if 'AAindex number' field
contains zero value. |
You may select one of more than 400 characteristics from
AAIndex database (see details). Type the
database entry number. |
In CRASP, Monte Carlo technique is applied to estimate the
statistical significance of the constancy of the chosen physico-chemical parameters. For
this purpose, a large number of random samples with independent amino acid substitutions
in alignment positions is generated and folowed by subsequent evaluation of statistical
parameters of dispersions of integral characteristics in these samples. The number
of samples generated is ordered by menu 'Random samples number'. For
the characteristic including many positions and for huge sequence samples, the
calculations are time-consuming, so we recommend to use small values for this parameter. |
Your actions with the
working window:
Set the following calculation parameters:
- Select in the field 'AminoAcid Quantity' the option 'Isoelectric point'
- Select in the field 'AAindex number' the option '0'
- Select in 'Random samples number' the value '500'
Step 2. Input weighting data
Sometimes it is necessary to apply data weighting. CRASP
package realises several standard schemes of data weighting. Also, a user may enter other
weights for all sequences. Data weighting is set in the fields below. |
Current version of CRASP applies several weighting methods.
Select one of them or the option without weighting 'Off'. By choosing 'User defined'
weights, enter weight values for each sequence that should be divided by symbol-separator
(by default - ;). You may introduce your own symbol-separator, specified in the text-box
'Separator'. By using the weights by Altschul et al. and Felsenstein, enter the
phylogenetic tree in *.ph format or
load it from file. Details are here. |
Your actions with the
working window:
- Select the weighting method:
- Go to the page with homeodomain phylogenetic tree
in result example window. Mark the data and copy in clipboard.
- Return to your working window. Set [Load from screen] button ON and paste the data into
the text-box.
Step 3. Integral characteristics setup
It is possible to introduce up to 4 different integral
protein characteristics that are related to the chosen physico-chemical property of
residues. In the field 'Name' enter the name of characteristic. In the field 'Description',
enter numerical coefficients for each protein position which influences the
characteristics selected. Coefficients are ordered in a special format. See details here. |
Example of integral characteristics setup. |
Step 4. Output parameters setup
Select the format of output data. The data could be displayed
in a text form or as GIF-images. By clicking the check-boxes, it is possible to display
information about distribution of characteristic values in original sample (first column),
about dependence between two integral characteristics (second column), about distribution
of characteristic variances in random samples (third column), about distribution of
dispersion ratio in random samples (fourth column). |
Your actions with the
working window: Set up the following parameters:

Step 5. Running CRASP
To RUN CRASP click the button 'Execute': |
Your actions with the
working window:
The result page will
be displayed automatically. |