Pairwise positional correlation estimation results.

[Tutorial page]

Comments: The main calculation parameters are given below.
AMINO ACID PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Isoelectric point (Zimmerman et al., 1968).
REFERENCE: J. Theor. Biol. (1968) v.21, p.170-201.
WEIGHTS: according to Felsenstein(1985),Am.Nat.,125,1-15.

Comments: The main parameters fro the correlation matrix: its type, size, and the  critical value of the correlatiojn coefficient at a given significance level are given below.
MATRIX TYPE: Partial correlation coefficient matrix.
NUMBER OF ANALYSED POSITIONS: 47. Crit.Value (99.9%): rc=0.182170

Comments: The diagram for the correlation coefficient matrix is as follow. Depending on  the output options, the matrix can be in a textual format, an HTML table, a  color diagram. For the latter option the indexing of alignment  positions are  plotted if the  diagram accommodate them.

Pairwise dependencies matrix representation.
Pair correlation plot

Comments: Below is given a diagram for the hierarchical clustering of the alignment 
positions based on  their  mutual correlation coefficient. Vertical red lines designate 
the critical values for the  correlation coefficient at different significance levels.
The position designations are given at the left.

Binary tree diagram for clusters of correlated positions.
Clusters of correlated positions

Comments: Below is given a submatrix for the correlation coefficient for clusters 
that result from cutting off the branches of above tree ath the correlation 
coefficient value rcut-off.
Close view of correlations in significant clusters.

Rearranged data matrix.
Comments: Below is given a hypertext reference to file with the means and 
variations in the physicochemical property values for each alignment position. 

Positional data.
Comments: Below is  given a hypertext reference to the file with the frequencies of 
occurrence of different amino acid types at alignment positions.

AminoAcid occurences at alignment positions.
Comments: Below is  given a hypertext reference to the file with the correlation 
matrix elements distribution and its  statistical parameters.

Matrix elements distribution.

Comments: Below is given the  diagram for correlation coefficient matrix, 
the regions with predominantly significant correlation coefficients are highlighted in  magenta.
Regions of high density of correlated pairs.

Blocks of high density of correlated pairs.