Example. Profile of local sequence complexity by modified Lempel-Ziv method


Press 'Execute' button to calculate complexity profile in sliding window 30 bp

for a promoter sequence from EPD database.


Input DNA sequence here (FASTA format) (cut & paste)

or from File:

Calculation method: profile of local complexity in sliding window

Profile parameters:

Sliding window size       Profile step (start of next sliding window)


Count events of duplication while sequence generation using:

Direct Copy     Symmetric Copy

Invert Copy     Direct Complementary Copy


Output details:

No statistics (only position and complexity value in window, by default)

full detailed report (all components of decomposition)

economic report  (show low complexity regions )

Minimal complexity of frame to show sequence (for 'economic' report):     


statistical report (statistics of components lengths)

user-defined length of long repeat

to show sequence and use in statistical comparisons (bp)


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