Profile of local sequence complexity by modified Lempel-Ziv method


To analyze low complexity regions by other methods (entropy estimations, linguistic complexity)

use new LowComplexity program


Input DNA sequence here (FASTA format) (cut & paste)

or from File:

Calculation method: profile of local complexity in sliding window

Profile parameters:

Sliding window size       Profile step (start of next sliding window)


Count events of duplication while sequence generation using:

Direct Copy     Symmetric Copy

Invert Copy     Direct Complementary Copy


Output details:

No statistics (only position and complexity value in window, by default)

full detailed report (all components of decomposition)

economic report  (show s low complexity regions )

Minimal complexity of frame to show sequence (for 'economic' report):     


statistical report (statistics of components lengths)

user-defined length of long repeat

to show sequence and use in statistical comparisons (bp)


Review of related methods for genetic text complexity analysis

Recent findings: promoter complexitycomplete bacterial genomes complexity comparison

Old realization Lempel-Ziv complexity profiles by (Babenko et al., 1999): Complexity profile_builder

Related complexity analysis profile programs: SIMPLE, Linguistic ComplexityLowComplexity program

Graphical presentation of sequence regularities: OligoRep system, Verbumculus, DeBruijn graphs 

The Institute of Cytology and Genetics (Russia)

This resource has been developed in Institute of Cytology and Genetics, based on methods developed in Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia 
Authors: Yu.L.Orlov, V.P.Filippov, V.D.Gusev, L.A.Miroshnichenko(Nemytikova)
Contributors: S.V.Lavryushev, D.A.Grigorovich
Leader: N.A.Kolchanov

The research was partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), INTAS, Ministry of Education (grant No.E02-6.0-250), NATO (LST.CLG 979815) and Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Integration project No. 119).