This field contains the program calculating the profile of the sequence-dependent feature or activity predicted values along abitrary sequence in the ‘C’ language of the ANSI standard.Each C program documented within the KNOWLEDGE entry has a check-box in the MENU window of the Activity Tools (see field
/* (0) LUC-activity YY1 repressed increases with Twist (DNA/Prot) decrease */
double TwDnaProt_for_LUC_YY1repressed (char *s){
double X; char *seq; int i,k, SiteLength=12;
double DinucPar[16]={
35.60, 29.30, 31.90, 31.10, 39.50, 35.60, 36.00, 35.90,
35.90, 31.10, 33.30, 34.60, 35.90, 31.90, 34.90, 33.30};
seq=&s[0]; if(strlen(seq) < SiteLength)return(-1001.);
for (i=0, X=0.;i < SiteLength-1;i++) {
switch (seq[i ]) {
case 'A': k= 0; break;case 'T': k= 4; break;
case 'G': k= 8; break;case 'C': k=12; break;default : return(-1002.); }
switch (seq[i+1]) {
case 'A': k+=0; break;case 'T': k+=1; break;
case 'G': k+=2; break;case 'C': k+=3; break;default : return(-1003.); }
if (k > 15) return(-1004.); X+=DinucPar[k]; }
return (X/(double)(SiteLength-1));}
This field could be numerously repeated in accordance with the blocks referring to each feature:
Mathematical Model |
Computational Method |
Link to WEIGHT database |
Link to PROPERTY database |
Property Name |
Indicates Feature Deviation |
Analyzed Region |
Utility |
Linear Correlation Coefficient |
Significance Level |
Graphical Representation of Test Results |