rSNP_Guide Description
rSNP_Guide contains four sub-databases, which are cross-linked to each other, including (i) rSNP_DB, which accumulates the data characterizing the effect of the single nucleotide mutation in regulatory gene regions on the interaction with nuclear proteins, (ii) rSNP_BIB, which accumulates the references to original publications, (iii) SYSTEM, which accumulates the experimental details, and (iv) rSNP_Report, which accumulates the protocols of successful predictions confirmed experimentally.
The active applet rSNP_Tools is a Web-tool for application of weight matrices stored in the MATRIX database to prediction of the TF-candidate, which binds to the site altered by mutation.
The novel mutations in the regulatory gene regions could be analyzed by analogy to the already known ones. In case the novel mutation has an analog among the already known ones, the example of the rSNP_Report database may serve as a prescription for its analysis. That is why we classify the rSNP_Guide as a "guide-base".