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Brief manual on the database DCS (Database on Coordination Spheres)Enter the database DCS here. It works under the SRS system. IntroductionDCS contain structural and physico-chemical information on amino acid residue coordination spheres in protein 3D structures. Current release contain data from DNA-binding proteins structures selection (46 non-homologous protein chains). DCS database contains of three tables, related to residues data (DCS_RES), protein data (DCS_PROT) and environment class data. The detailed description of the fields is given below. Complete list of the fieldsDCS_RES ResidueIdentifier, ProteinIdentifier, ClusterIdentifier, ResidueName, AminoAcid, PDBIndex, SequenceIndex, SecondaryStructure, SolventAccessibility, DNAContact, CoordinationNumber Fields descriptionResidueIdentifier Unique identifier of an residue entry. It has the format RESN, where N is a number ProteinIdentifier Link to the protein reference in the DCS_PROT table (the identifier of the corresponding entry in DCS_PROT ) ClusterIdentifier Link to the environment class reference in the DCS_CLUST table (the identifier of the corresponding entry in DCS_CLUST having the form ENVCLN) ResidueName Name of the residue. It has the format A_N, where A is amino acid type, N is a number AminoAcid Type of amino acid in 1-letter code PDBIndex Index of residue in PDB structure, ranges from 1 to number of residues in PDB entry SequenceIndex Index of residue in protein sequence SecondaryStructure Secondary structure according to DSSP (H = alpha helix, B = residue in isolated beta-bridge, E = extended strand, participates in beta ladder, G = 3-helix (3/10 helix), I = 5 helix (pi helix), T = hydrogen bonded turn, S = bend ) SolventAccessibility Solvent accessibility according to DSSP DNAContact If this field is equal to 1, then residue is in contact with DNA. If this field is equal to 0, then residue is not in contact. If if 0, DNAContact=-1, then information not available (no DNA is presented in corresponded PDB file) CoordinationNumber Coordination number (number of contact residues within 7 A distance cutoff) DCS_PROT ProteinIdentifier, PDBID, ProteinSize, ResidueList Fields descriptionProteinIdentifier Unique identifier of an protein entry. It has the format PROTN, where N is a number PDBID Reference to protein structure in PDB (format is ID:Chain) ResidueList List of residues, members of this protein (residue identifiers in DCS_RES table) DCS_CLUST ClassIdentifier, ClassSize, MeanAccessibility, Volume, Polarity, IsoelectricPoint, Hydrophobicity, MeanSolventAcc, ResidueList Fields descriptionClassIdentifier Unique identifier of an environment class. It has the format ENVCLN, where N is a number ClassSize Size of class (number of environments of this class) MeanAccessibility Mean DSSP accessibility for central residues Volume, Polarity, IsoelectricPoint, Hydrophobicity, MeanSolventAcc Mean values for corresponding physico-chemical properties of environment residues. ResidueList List of residues, members of this protein (residue identifiers in DCS_RES table)