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GArna publications

Titov I.I., Ivanisenko V.A., Kolchanov N.A. (2000) FITness - a WWW-resource for RNA folding simulation based on genetic algorithm with local minimization. Comput. Techn., V. 5(2), pp. 48-56.
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Titov I.I., Vorobiev D.G., Kolchanov N.A. (2000) Mass analysis of RNA secondary structures using a genetic algorithm. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2, pp. 138-141.
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Vorobiev D.G., Titov I.I., Kochetov A.V., Kolchanov N.A. (2000) Structural features of mRNA 5'UTRs of eukaryotic genes expressed at high and low levels. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2, pp. 135-137.
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Titov,I.I., Ivanisenko V.A., Kolchanov N.A. (1998) Prediction of RNA secondary structure using genetic algorithm with steepest descent. Abstracts of Int. School "Theoretical Biophysics", Moscow, Russia, p. 104.
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Titov,I.I. and Ivanisenko V.A. (1998) Predicting RNA folding by genetic algorithm with local exhaustion. Proc. 1st Intern. Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2, P. 296.

Titov I.I. and Ischenko I.V. (1996) Combinatorial optimization with constraints: folding RNA by genetic algorithm. Proc. 2nd Siberian Congress of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (INPRIM-96), Novosibirsk, Russia. 1996. pp. 36-37.

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