GENENET DATABASE database on networks of genes providing plant growth and development
Photomorphogenesis Gene Network
PLANT-TRRD Plant Transcription Regulatory Regions Database SRS ACCESS to TRRD Functional gene groups
Abscisic acid responsive gene
Cell cycle genes
Cold-induced genes
Early nodulin genes
Ethylene-responsive genes
Embryo-specific genes
Gibberellin-specific genes
Late nodulin genes
Pathogen genes Seed storage protein genes Transcription factor genes
Pathogen genes
Seed storage protein genes
Transcription factor genes
PLANT ONTOLOGY plant morphology, main systems of tissues, organs, and glossary all A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
©1997-2002, IC&G SB RAS, Laboratory of Theoretical Genetics
Web-master Ekaterina Denisova