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TRRDUNITS data format

Line code (in the TRRD flat-file) Line code (SRS version) Data description
AP RegUnitAC Accession number of a regulatory unit
ID GeneID Identifier of an entry in the TRRD database
RG RegRegion Transcription regulatory region
PR RegUnit Name and localization of the regulatory unit; site links
AQ DNA_BankLink Positions of the sequence according to the EMBL/GenBank
LQ LeftTrunc Left part of the sequences is truncated
RQ RightTrunc Right part of the sequences is truncated
SL SeqLength Length of regulatory unit
SE Sequence DNA sequence
PT PromotTisSp Promoter tissue-specific characteristics
PI PromotInd Promoter induction pattern
AG ExperimentCodes Cells, assay codes, reference to the paper
CC Comments Text comments

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