TRRD publicationsARTICLES2002 N.A. Kolchanov, E.V. Ignatieva, E.A. Ananko, O.A. Podkolodnaya, I.L.
Stepanenko, T.I. Merkulova, M.A. Pozdnyakov, N.L. Podkolodny, A.N.
Naumochkin, and A.G. Romashchenko. (2002) Transcription Regulatory Regions Database
(TRRD): its status in 2002. Nucleic Acids Res., 30, 1, 312-317 2000 N. A. Kolchanov, O. A. Podkolodnaya, E. A. Ananko, E. V. Ignatieva, I. L. Stepanenko,
O. V. Kel-Margoulis, A. E. Kel, T. I. Merkulova, T. N. Goryachkovskaya, T. V. Busygina, F.
A. Kolpakov, N. L. Podkolodny, A. N. Naumochkin, I. M. Korostishevskaya, A. G.
Romashchenko and G. C. Overton (2000) Transcription Regulatory Regions Database (TRRD):
its status in 2000 Nucleic Acids Res., 28, 1, 298-301 1999 Kolchanov N.A., Ananko E.A., Podkolodnaya O.A., Ignatieva E.V., Stepanenko I.L.,
Kel-Margoulis O.V., Kel A.E., Merkulova T.I., Goryachkovskaya T.N., Busygina T.V.,
Kolpakov F.A., Podkolodny N.L., Naumochkin A.N., Romashchenko A.G. (1999) Transcription
Regulatory Regions Database (TRRD):its status in 1999. Nucleic Acids Res.,
27, 1
:303-306. Kolchanov N. A., M. P. Ponomarenko, A. S. Frolov, E. A.
Ananko, F. A. Kolpakov, E. V. Ignatieva, O. A. Podkolodnaya, T. N. Goryachkovskaya, I. L.
Stepanenko, T. I. Merkulova, V. V. Babenko, Yu. V. Ponomarenko, A. V. Kochetov, N. L.
Podkolodny, D. V. Vorobiev, S. V. Lavryushev, D. A. Grigorovich, Yu. V. Kondrakhin, L.
Milanesi, E. Wingender, V. Solovyev and G. C. Overton. (1999) Integrated databases and
computer systems for studying eukaryotic gene expression. Bioinformatics.
V.15, Is.
7/8, P. 669-686 1998 Kolchanov N.A., Ponomarenko M.P., Kel A. E., Kondrakhin Yu. V., Frolov A. S., Kolpakov F. A., Goryachkovsky T.N., Kel O. V., Ananko E. A., Ignatieva E.V., Podkolodnaya O. A., Stepanenko I. L., Merkulova T. I., Babenko V. N., Vorobiev D.G, Lavryushev S.V., Ponomarenko Yu. V., Kochetov A. V., Kolesov G.B., Podkolodny N. L., Milanesi L., Wingender E., Heinemeyer T., Solovyev V.V. (1998) GeneExpress: a computer system for description, analysis, and recognition of regulatory sequences of the eukaryotic genome. ISMB, V. 6, P. 95-104 Heinemeyer T., Wingender E., Reuter I., Hermjakob H., Kel A.E., Kel
O.V., Ignatieva E.V., Ananko E.A., Podkolodnaya O.A., Kolpakov F.A., Podkolodny N.L.,
Kolchanov N.A. (1998) Databases on transcriptional regulation: TRANSFAC, TRRD and COMPEL.
Nucleic Acids Res. 26, 1, 362-367 1997 Kel' A.E., Kolchanov N.A., Kel' O.V., Romashchenko A.G., Anan'ko E.A., Ignat'eva E.V.,
Merkulova T.I., Podkolodnaia O.A., Stepanenko I.L., Kochetov A.V., Kolpakov F.A.,
Podkolodnyi N.L., Naumochkin A.A. (1997) TRRD: a database of transcription
regulatory regions in eukaryotic genes. Mol Biol (Mosk), 31, 4, 626-636 Wingender E., Kel A.E., Kel O.V., Karas H., Heinemeyer T., Dietze P., Knuppel
R., Romaschenko A.G., Kolchanov N.A. (1997) TRANSFAC, TRRD and COMPEL: towards a federated
database system on transcriptional regulation. Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 1, 265-268 Anan'ko E.A., Bazhan S.I., Belova O.E., Kel' A.E. (1997) Mechanisms
of transcriptional regulation of interferon-induced genes: description in the IIG-TRRD
information system Mol Biol (Mosk), 31, 4, 592-604 Ignat'eva E.V., Merkulova T.I., Vishnevskii O.V., Kel' A.E. (1997) Transcriptional
regulation of lipid metabolism genes: description in the TRDD database. Mol Biol (Mosk),
31, 4, 575-591 Kel' O.V., Kel' A.E. (1997) Intergenic interrelations in regulating the cell cycle: key
role of E2F family transcription factors Mol Biol (Mosk), 31, 4, 548-561 Merkulova T.I., Merkulov V.M., Mitina R.L. (1997) Mechanisms of glucocorticoid
regulation and regulatory regions of genes, controlled by glucocorticoids: description in
the TRDD database. Mol Biol (Mosk), 31, 4, 605-615 Podkolodnaia O.A., Stepanenko I.L. (1997) Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation of
erythroid specific genes. Mol Biol (Mosk), 31, 4, 562-574 1995 Kel O.V., Romashchenko A.G., Kel A.E., Naumochkin A.N., Kolchanov N.A. (1995) Data representation in the TRRD - a database of transcription regulatory regions of the eukaryotic genomes. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences [HICSS]. V. 5. Biotechnology Computing, IEE Computer Society Press: Los Alamos, California. P. 42 -51 PEPORTS2000 Ananko E.A., Podkolodnaya O.A., Ignatieva E.V., Kel-Margoulis O.V., Kel A.E., Merkulova T.I., Stepanenko I.L., Goryachkovskaya T.N., Podkolodny N.L., Grigorovich D.A., Naumochkin A.N., Korostishevskaya I.M., Lokhova I.V., Romashchenko A.G., Kolchanov N.A. (2000) Transcription Regulatory Regions Database (TRRD) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. (BGRS'2000), ICG, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 1, 18-22 Ignatieva, E.V., Busygina, T.V., Ananko, Å.À. , Podkolodnaya, Î.À., Merkulova, T.I., Suslov,V.V., Pozdnyakov, Ì. (2000) Databases on endocrine system gene expression regulation: informational content and computer analysis. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. (BGRS'2000), ICG, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 1, 22-25. Ignatieva, E.V., Likhoshvai, V.A., Ratushny, A.V., Kosarev,P.S. (2000) Knowledge base on molecular-genetical foundations of lipid metabolism regulation: current state and perspective. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. (BGRS'2000), ICG, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 3, 54-57. Kel-Margoulis,O.V. and Kel A.E. (2000) CYCLE-TRRD: a database on transcription regulation of cell cycle-dependent genes. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. (BGRS'2000), ICG, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 1, 28-30. Podkolodnaya O.A., Stepanenko I.L., Ananko E.A., Vorobiev D.G. (2000) Representation of information on erythroid gene expression regulation in the GeneExpress system. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. (BGRS'2000), ICG, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 1, 34-36. Stepanenko,I.L., Goryachkovsky,T.N., Ibragimova,S.S., Axenovich,A.V., Omelyanchuk,N.A., lavryushev,S.V., Podkolodny,N.L. (2000) Development of knowledge base on plant gene expression regulation. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. (BGRS'2000), ICG, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 1, 185-187. Stepanenko,I.L., Levitsky,V.G., Schoeder,H.C. (2000) Heat Shock Knowledge Base. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. (BGRS'2000), ICG, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 3, 59-61. 1999 Ignatieva E.V., Busyigina T.V., Podkolodnaya O.A., Ananko E.A., Merkulova T.I., Stepanenko I.L., Merkulov V.M., Mitina R., Kel-Margoulis O.V., Kolchanov N.A. Endocrine system transcription regulatory regions database (ES-TRRD). Genetic and developmental psychoneuroendocrinology. Abstracts of the International Symposium dedicated to Prof.Eugene V.Naumenko, Novosibirsk, 12-16 July 1999, Russia, p. 39 Busyigina T.V, Ignatieva E.V., Kolchanov N.A., Osadchuk A.V. The transcription regulation of genes controlling steroidogenes: the description in the TRRD database. Genetic and developmental psychoneuroendocrinology. Abstracts of the International Symposium dedicated to Prof.Eugene V.Naumenko, Novosibirsk, 12-16 July 1999, Russia, p. 22 Kolchanov N.A., Ponomarenko M.P., Frolov A.S., Ananko E.A., Kolpakov F.A., Ignatieva E.V., Podkolodnaya O.A., Goryachkovskaya T.N., Stepanenko I.L., Merkulova T.I., Babenko V.V., Ponomarenko Yu.V., Kochetov A.V., Podkolodny N.L., Vorobiev D.V., Lavryushev S.V., Grigorovich D.A., Kondrakhin Yu.V. The data base technology and the modern computer methods for studying the mechanisms of gene expression. Genetic and developmental psychoneuroendocrinology. Abstracts of the International Symposium dedicated to Prof.Eugene V.Naumenko, Novosibirsk, 12-16 July 1999, Russia, p. 46 Ignatieva E.V., Ananko E.A., Podkolodnaya O.A., Merkulova T.I., Podkolodny N.L., Frolov A.S., Kolchanov N.A. The genes regulated by PPARs: the presentation in the TRRD database. // E2: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. The PPARs: Transcriptional Links to Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. Organizers: Bruce M. Spiegelman and Ronald M. Evans, Keystone, Colorado, April 28 May 2, 1999, Abstract #126, p.34 1998 N.A. Kolchanov, E.V. Ignatieva, O.V.
Kel-Margoulis, A.E. Kel, E.A. Ananko., O.A. Podkolodnaya, I.L. Stepanenko, T.I. Merkulova,
T.N. Goryachkovskaya, F.A. Kolpakov, N.L. Podkolodny, S.V. Lavryushev, D.A. Grigorovich,
A.S. Frolov, A.G. Romashchenko (1998) Transcription regulatory regions database
(TRRD): new possibilities provided by release 4.0. Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. BGRS’98.
Novosibirsk - Altai Mountains, Russia, August 24-31, 1998. P.25-28. T.I. Merkulova, V.M. Merkulov, K.Y. Kropatchev, V.I. Kaledin (1998) The
Glucocorticoid-Controlled Gene Regulatory Regions Database (GR-TRRD): the Using for the
Elucidation of the Mechanisms of Chemical Hepatocarcinogens Action. Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and
Structure. BGRS’98. Novosibirsk - Altai Mountains, Russia, August 24-31, 1998.
P.33-36. E.A. Ananko, S.I. Bazhan, O.E. Belova (1998) Interferon-Inducible
Genes - Transcription Regulatory Regions Database (IIG-TRRD). Proceedings of
the First International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure. .
BGRS’98. Novosibirsk - Altai Mountains, Russia, August 24-31, 1998. P.37-40. O.A. Podkolodnaya, I.L. Stepanenko (1998) The ESRG-TRRD: Database
of Genes with Specific Transcription Regulation in Erythroid Cells. Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and
Structure. . BGRS’98. Novosibirsk - Altai Mountains, Russia, August 24-31, 1998.
P.41-44. E.V. Ignatieva (1998) The Lipid Metabolism Transcription
Regulatory Regions Database (LM-TRRD): Transcription Regulation of Lipid Metabolism Genes.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome
Regulation and Structure. 1998. BGRS’98. Novosibirsk - Altai Mountains, Russia, August
24-31, 1998. P.45-49. T.N. Goryachkovsky, E.A. Ananko, S.E. Peltek PLANT-TRRD Database. Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and
Structure. 1998. BGRS’98. Novosibirsk - Altai Mountains, Russia, August 24-31, 1998.