What's new?
The history of changes, improvements and new features
(To view the dynamics of TRRD progress, please, click here)
September 2005
1) New table TRRDSTARTS
was introduced. This library compiles the data on the
experimentally determined transcription start sites of genes.
TRRDSTART contains absolute genome coordinates of the major and minor
transcription starts of genes (with indication of the chromosome and
release of the genomic database). From this library, it is possible to
get the information about specificity
January 2005
New sections were introduced:
- Genes Expressed in B cells
- Hepatitis C Virus–Induced Genes
- Genes Related to EBV Infection and EBV Transformation
- Genes, controlling circadian rhythm, and genes with circadian expression
March 2004
January 2003
search software based on hierarchically organized controlled
vocabularies and thesauri was developed.
Specialized search systems,
developed for TRRD maintain:
1) search for genes induced (or repressed) by influence of external
2) search for genes expressed in specified organ, or tissue, or cells,
or stage of organism development;
3) combined search for genes expressed in specified tissue, organ,
cells under induction of the specified external stimulus (simultaneously). |
December 2002
2) The format was slightly modified. New field was
introduced into the table TRRDSITES:
- PreferredName (NP), [=preferred names]
to compile the information on the standard site name
June 2002
New sections
were introduced:
-Genes Expressed in Endocrine Pancreas
Macrophage-Expressed Genes
"Apoptosis -TRRD"
- Apoptosis Genes
- Genes, controlling blood coagulation and fibrinolysis |
May 2002
Thesaurus on organs
and tissues in mammals is available.
The specialized browser system based of thesaurus and
the SRS technology was developed. The system enables to bring out the
list of genes that are expressed in the tissue or organ of a user’s
interest. |
September 2001
1) New table TRRDLCR
was introduced. Each entry of TRRDLCR describes an individual locus
control region (LCR), containing the data on the structure of the
regulated gene locus, structure of the LCR itself, and the functional
characterization of its elements.
2) The format was slightly modified. New fields were
introduced into the table TRRDSITES:
- ImportPos (IP), [=important positions]
to compile the information on the nucleotides within
transcription factor binding sites that are important for interactions
with the corresponding proteins. It is filled basing on the data of
methylation interference assays, transient transfection assays, and
gel mobility shift assays using wild type and mutant DNA probes;
- SeqContradiction (SC), [=sequence contradiction] is filled
in the case when the annotator finds a discrepancy in the site
sequence between the paper annotated and the corresponding data from
EMBL/GenBank. The site sequence corresponding to EMBL/GenBank are
indicated in the fields Sequence (SQ) of the database TRRDSITES, while
the sequence from the paper annotated are given in the field
SeqContradiction (SC);
PosContradiction (PC), [=positions
contradiction] is filled in the case when the annotator finds a
discrepancy in the site positions between the paper annotated and the
corresponding data from EMBL/GenBank. The site positions corresponding
to EMBL/GenBank are indicated in the fields SequencePosition (PQ) of
the database TRRDSITES, while the positions from the paper annotated
are given in the field PosContradiction (PC).
June 2001
New section "ROS-TRRD", devoted to
transcription regulation of Redox-sensitive Genes
was introduced. |
December 2000
New version of TRRD viewer is available |
1) New table
was introduced. Table TRRDUNITS contains information on regulatory units (promoters,
enhances, and silencers). It includes the name of regulatory unit and it's start point;
localization; nucleotide sequence corresponding the regulatory unit, DNA Bank link;
positions of this sequence according to the given EMBL/GenBank; left and right truncation
(if the sequence is truncated); sites links; data about tissue-specificity and
inducibility of regulatory unit.
2) The format was slightly modified. New fields were
introduced into the table TRRDUNITS:
- PromotTisSp
(PT) - promoter tissue-specific characteristics:
U - ubiquitous promoter, TS -
tissue-specific promoter, 0 - no data;
- PromotInd (PI) - promoter induction pattern:
0 - induction from zero level, 1 - induction
from basal level, 2 -induction from unknown level
December 1999
The format
was slightly modified. New field was introduced into the TRRDSITES
- SiteIndex
(NI) - site functionality index.
New field was introduced into the TRRDBIB
- ArticleInd (AI) - annotation state of publications.